Final Fantasy VII remake is behind the corner and we can’t decide what we are more excited about – the game or the soundtrack. Square Enix blog added a post from the composers and I think it might be the latter.

We can’t wait to hear their immense work in the game.

Nobuo Uematsu, Masashi Hamauzu and Mitsuto Suzuki are all composing and re-compising for the game, and according to the said post, the master – after pondering on his history with FF VII – says that he will compose one track for the game.

We can’t wait to hear their immense work in the game, coming just next month! Are you excited as well?

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Jan Szafraniec

Fasicinated by everything that is noisy, minimal and industrial. He spends most of the time writing and floating around in ambient. He's been loyally professing videogame music for a decade and won't ever stop.