After six months of intensive work on two issues of our magazine finally the time has come for its paper version.
The magazine, which will contain 148 pages and includes professional articles.
This is the special moment for us, and everything is thanks to YOU, because you convinced us that the magazine should be published. Off course the initiative itself wouldn’t happen without the strategic partner, who believed in it. Which is why from today you can pre-order the third number of our magazine here on the Black Screen Records webpage. Nevertheless we would like to mention that for now, only the English version of the magazine is available. The magazine will be available during this year of the Game Music Festival edition.
It is also worth to bring up what you can find in the magazine, which will contain 148 pages and includes professional articles written by the specialists in the game music field counting our stuff among them.
This is the historical moment for us, because it will be the first printed magazine dedicated only to the game music. What is more we encourage you to read two previous editions of the magazine which are available only in a digital format. We hope to see you in the next printed version of the magazine at the beginning of next year.