It’s hard to believe it’s been almost 10 years since LoL launched. The game amassed a huge a playerbase, got into the esport scene and formed quite a legacy. To celebrate it’s first decade, Riot Games decided to publish a 2xLP score on vinyls with iam8bit.

Quite a treat for all LoL players.

The edition consists of blue and red smoked discs and comes in a beautiful sleeve with gold adornments. Musical pieces are divided into three categories: Champion themes (13 tracks), Factions and Fantasy (8 tracks) and Competitive Themes (6 tracks), all selected by Riot Team.

It’s quite a set, especially that it comes for 40$. It’s a real treat for LoL fans. However, to have other editions like CD would be neat, too. The set is out now, ready to be purchased here.


Jan Szafraniec

Fasicinated by everything that is noisy, minimal and industrial. He spends most of the time writing and floating around in ambient. He's been loyally professing videogame music for a decade and won't ever stop.