Austin Wintory published a new album on August 2. “Remnants” consists of cues that were rejected by the customers or coming from the projects that have been cancelled.
As Wintory states in the album description: “Every composer, and indeed every artist in general, faces constant rejection. In my case, the most common form of that is in writing demos or pitches in an effort to work on a given project, only to be told no.”
It’s a reminder that rejection isn’t defeat, but actually strangely fun and empowering. – Austin Wintory
This might be a painful experience for every artist but it happens, even to the most renowned and recognizable ones. Austin Wintory finds some positive aspects in being rejected. „As my career has gone on though, it dawned on me that rejections were actually a much better measure of opportunity. And looking back, I realized just how many opportunities I’ve had! It didn’t matter that so many didn’t work out.” The album is available on the composer’s Bandcamp page.