The newest score by Olivier Deriviere for GreedFall has just been published on the composer’s Bandcamp page. GreedFall is an RPG game developed by Spiders studio.

This epic combination of world music and classical music sounds very promising.

The composer decided to create an orchestral soundtrack this time. The music was performed by the Orchestre national d’Île-de-France. It is the first time Olivier Deriviere recorded such a big ensemble in his homeland. Female vocals, flutes and percussion also appear in the score.

This epic combination of world music and classical music sounds very promising. You can listen to it by buying the album and also by playing the game to see how the OST works in there.

Executive Editor

Izabela Besztocha

Independent games enthusiast, mainly horror games, paying close attention to sound design. Dreaming of becoming a sound designer. Dissonance, distortion and other unpleasant sounds is what she enjoys to listen to most.