It’s finally here. We don’t need to rummage through dumpsters in search of mp3s ripped straight from the installation folder, we don’t need to send Rockstar any threats anymore, and all the western movie DVDs can finally go right back into the boxes. Red Dead Redemption 2 soundtrack will be released on vinyl on September 20th.

More preorder opportunities are coming.

Those that pose a certain affinity to the OST can preorder the release through Lakeshore Records’ website. Or rather could, because it’s all sold out already. The pain is even greater considering that all the pictures of the release are those of the preorder vinyl – you can tell by the red color of the discs.

All we can do is wait a little longer – more preorder opportunities are coming. What is a month in comparison to 8 years between the two games’ premieres?


Marek Domagała

Electric guitar, cinema and as much Rocket League as possible. Loves synthesizers and wouldn't mind some good black metal either. Taking the first steps as a video game composer.