With Bloodlines 2 releasing sometime in 2020, the Masquerade comes back to life after 16 years. Rik Schaffer comes back to compose the music for the sequel, while Milan Records is heating up the fanbase with a sweet vinyl remaster of the prior game’s score.

It’s a treat – the remaster features some unreleased tracks.

Dark ambience with elements of rock and electronic music made Schaffer’s score one of the game’s highlights, providing dark, rainy atmosphere for the supernatural, yet still modern setting. It’s a huge treat for anyone loving beats inside an unsettling soundscape, more so for Vampire’s fans anticipating another excellent score.

The vinyl will feature some additional, previously unheard tracks and will be released on October 25th. The sleeve is covered by an art of a mausoleum on a cemetery, while the discs are blood-red with black smoke additions. The price is unknown and more details should be available soon here.


Jan Szafraniec

Fasicinated by everything that is noisy, minimal and industrial. He spends most of the time writing and floating around in ambient. He's been loyally professing videogame music for a decade and won't ever stop.